Sunday, January 13, 2013


We've been expecting some January calves. About a week ago the first calf the year arrived. A little red heifer with a white face.

The first calf of the year with her mother.
A big deal, but not as big a deal as what arrived yesterday!


Number 2! (The little one)
I didn't get a picture of the first one (the bigger one). She was hiding way back in the shed behind the first calf. But she looks just like Number 2. All red with a white face. Actually for that matter she looks just like the first calf of the year. All three of the calves are girls, so eventually they will get a tag in their  ears with a number on it. That is how we keep track of the boys and girls here.

From what Austin and his dad tell me this doesn't happen very often. The last time it happened was a couple years ago. The big one is eating fine and is up and around without a problem. We aren't sure if the little one has eaten or not yet, but we did see her up and around. She seems alert and her ears are up, which Austin tell me is a good sign.

How exciting! Twins!


  1. What a lovely article. Twins are always welcome. Baby calves are so cute. More pixs please!

  2. Thanks! I'll try and get out there and take some more pics soon!

  3. They are so cute!
    Come say hi at
