Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What if you woke up tomorrow, with only the things you were Thankful for today?

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I've really been considering something that my adopted dad, "Bobert", posted on Facebook once a while back.

"What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things that you were thankful for today?"

(Sidenote: Is it just me? Or does 90% of my inspriation for my blogs come from Facebook? I'm gonna have to take a closer look at this...)

Anyway, I've really been thinking a lot about this and what it means... I've realized that I don't spend nearly as much time thanking God for the things he has given me as I should. I need to spend less time asking for stuff and complaining about what I have and spend more time being thankful when things go my way.

I'm thankful for so many things. I'm thankful for my family, my friends and Austin. :) I'm thankful for my computer and my iPod and my books that show me a differnt world. (okay, admittedly some things are more important than others) I'm thankful for the paper (even though it drives me CRAZY sometimes I love every minute of it) and I'm thankful for school for opening my mind to new experiences and helping me find out exactly who I am. I've learned SO MUCH about who I am. And I'm thankful for the people who actually take the time to read my blog. It makes me feel AWESOME.

So tell me. (Show me that you are reading this.) What are you thankful for? What would most devastate you to lose? Here is your chance to really be thankful for what you have out loud before the world.

... and happy thanksgiving (early)

So I've been doing some thinking....

I've been doing a lot of thinking about love lately. Does anyone else ever do that? As I lay in bed at night when I'm about to fall asleep I rehash my day in my head and think about how I can make tomorrow better, or what I have left over from the day that I'll have to do tomorrow. (Then after thinking about all of that I usually panic and have to do some reading or something to get my mind off of all of it.... STRESS!)

Anyway, for the last nine... almost ten... months, I've been thinking about the same guy. :)

Yeah. My boyfriend, Austin.(I don't care if it is cheesy, it is TRUE.)

Austin and I have been dating since the end of February. My aunt introduced us. She picked him out from all the boys she saw come in and out of the hair salon where she works. She wanted one of her 4 nieces to date him; she didn't care which one. Lucky for me, he saw me first. :)

The funny bit is, he never really asked me out. (No! I'm totally not kidding!) He changed his facebook status one day to in a realtionship and sent me a request. (Honestly, I think he was too nervous to say it out loud.) I liked him so much I didn't even care. We started dating and I've never looked back.

Just recently though have I realized how much I need him in my life. When I met him I was at a point in my life where I didn't really have a whole lot going on. I didn't have a job or any real friends and, if I'm being completly honest, I didn't really felt like I even fit in with my family.

Then I met htis guy that made me feel special. We have the same dorky humor and think the same about so many things it isn't even funny. We hadn't been together for a week and we were finishing eachothers sentences.

I'm the luckiest girl on the planet. Why? Because I didn't just get a boyfriend that day in the salon. I got a BEST FRIEND.
