Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 Superbowl Ads-- God Made a Farmer

I'm not a huge fan of the Super Bowl, so I didn't really pay attention to the game last night. But I couldn't ignore the several reposts of this one commercial on my page. Dodge sponsored this really cool ad about farmers. Now I have to admit that here on the Druien farm we are Ford truck people, but this one I'll give to Dodge. I think it is pretty awesome.

Watch and enjoy, and then let me know what you think in the comments below. And stay tuned this week! I've got a whole bunch of calf pictures to share!


  1. Yay for farmers!! Who else works so hard to take care of God's beautiful earth and his creatures? Farmers are awesome, but also becoming a dying breed. Each new "factory farm" forces 10 family farmers out of business, or makes it harder for new farmers to get on the land. This is a sad statistic that is growing.

  2. Exactly! That is what my blog is all about. The LITTLE family farm.
