Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wisdom Teeth, Footie Pajamas, and all sorts of other nonsense.

Okay, I know that I haven't been keeping up in the blogging department like I should have been. This winter break has really taken it out of me. My very first day of break I got my wisdom teeth out, and though that meant all I was doing all day was laying around and could have done all sorts of things, but all I could manage was lying around. I must confess, that I am amazed at my friends who were able to get their wisdom teeth out and go right back to life. I know that I was a complete wreck afterwards, and wasn't capable of anything but being a vegetable.

So that was a week of my life down the drain. Then Christmas happened, and all the shiny things that come with it distracted me. I got these fantastic footie pajamas, cozy soft long underwear and this super awesome Harry Potter Snuggie to lounge around in, and all of these great crafty projects to keep me entertained during my lounging around.

When you wear it, you look like you are wearing the robe. AWESOME.

Now I'm not the most artistic person, but I've always wanted to be able to paint. So for Christmas, my mom got me this really cool Acrylic Painters Starter Kit. I've pretty much learned that I suck hardcore, but painting  is fun. Just as a hobbie. I've had one picture that I took at Biltmore Estate in North Carolina that I've always wanted to paint.

This is the picture I took.

My first, unfinished, attempt.

My next attempt.... We'll see how this goes. I feel like I already messed up. Eek.
Anyway, we will see how this new hobby progresses once school starts. Probably not very far, but we'll see.

Anyway, that is my Christmas Break. What about yours?


  1. A HARRY POTTER SNUGGIE. WHO KNEW?! So jealous. And I saw those painting sets somewhere...I secretly have been wanting one. Now I really really want to get my hands on one...haha :P

  2. We got them at WalMart. They had Sketching, Watercolor, and Acrylic. I wish they had one for oils... I knowt they are a pain in the butt, but I've always wanted to try them.
