Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Movies

Okay everybody. I have a confession to make.

I'm not really into Christmas.

I know! It is terrible. I just haven't really enjoyed it since I was a little kid. Don't ask me why, because I'm not really sure.

One thing I do like however, is Christmas movies. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. When I was a little kid Santa Claus is Comin' to Town was the first movie I really watched all the way through. It was practically on a loop in the tape player.

♫ You put one foot in front of the other... ♪
 Now that I'm older I'm starting to develop more sophisticated taste. I think it was my freshman year of highschool that I first watched Irving Berlin's White Christmas. I fell in love with it right away.

I found out the other day that my boyfriend had never seen it. (He really is lacking in the culture department, but then again, no one is perfect, lol) Anyway, I brought my DVD over to his house and made him watch it.

He did his usual amount of whining and complaining in front of his parents, and honestly, his Dad did some complaining too. "Is this like a musical? Really?"
His dad really couldn't believe this bit....
But as soon as his parents went to bed and no one but me was around he started actually paying attention to the plot. "Do they ever eventually get together? I'm tired of all this suspense!" (Well, that is what he meant. What he actually said was something more like, "Do they breed? I'm tired of all the suspense!" Doesn't he just have a way with words?)

Pretty sure this is about when he was asking....

When the end credits started rolling he actually admitted to liking it. "It wasn't terrible... it was actually pretty good." (WIN) His parents didn't get to finish it until today, and they said they liked it too. (again, WIN).

So friends, what is your favorite Christmas movie? I wonder if I've seen it.... Let me know!

Oh yeah! I'm over a THOUSAND BLOG VIEWS! Thanks so much! It makes me feel so special. :)


  1. It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, A Christmas Carol


  2. Drafty old house!

    Do you mean the Kessinger mansion?
